Welcome to EasyRSEI, where you can access results and data from EPA's Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) model, Version 2.3.12.

RSEI Scores add context to chemical data reported by facilities to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) from a relative risk-based perspective. RSEI Scores are calculated as unitless values that account for the magnitude of chemical releases, the fate and transport of the chemicals within the environment, the size and locations of potentially exposed populations, and the chemicals’ relative toxicities. Chemical releases to air or water are modeled and are combined with exposure assumptions and estimates, toxicity information, and population estimates to calculate these risk-related scores. RSEI Scores are available for modeled releases and transfers (air releases, water releases, and transfers off site to publicly owned treatment works (POTW) and to off-site incineration facilities). RSEI Score results incorporate toxicity information for both cancer and noncancer human health effects. RSEI Score-Cancer and RSEI Score-Noncancer results are also provided so users can examine those health effects separately.

RSEI Hazard results add context to chemical data reported by facilities to the TRI from a relative hazard-based perspective. For these hazard-based results, no exposure modeling or population estimates are involved. Hazard-based values are calculated by multiplying reported chemical quantities (such as pounds released into the air) by a quantitative value (weight) that expresses the toxic potential (hazard) of the chemical(s) involved. These toxicity-weighted quantities account for their magnitude (e.g., how much is released to the environment) and also their relative toxicities (e.g., how potent are the chemical(s) in causing harmful health effects). RSEI Modeled Hazard results are calculated only for the modeled releases and transfers pertaining to RSEI Score as mentioned above, and RSEI Hazard results are calculated for all chemical waste management activity quantities reported to TRI.

RSEI Modeled Pounds are the chemical release and transfer quantities that are used for RSEI modeling as mentioned above. TRI Pounds are the quantities for all waste management activities as reported to the TRI. Both of these pounds-based results do not consider any adjustments for toxicity or for exposure potential and population size.

RSEI Website

Learn more about the RSEI model, how to use RSEI results, and how to access additional RSEI data products.

TRI Website

Learn more about the TRI program, how EPA collects TRI data, and how to access additional TRI data and tools.

TRI National Analysis

View an annual summary of TRI and RSEI data with sections on pollution prevention, releases, and waste management.

RSEI Microdata Dashboard

View an interactive dashboard of RSEI Geographic Microdata for air releases from the latest RSEI model year.

Use the links on the left to navigate through the other pages of the application. If you would like to filter your results, use the icon at the top right or the Filters and Options button to filter your selection by EPA Region, State, Year, Industry, or Chemical, or to change the display value from RSEI Score to RSEI Cancer Score, RSEI Noncancer Score, or RSEI Modeled Hazard.

You can start filtering using the options below and see the results on the RSEI Score national trend, as shown in the bar chart. Any filters you apply will be shown at the top of the screen and will apply to all charts and tables throughout the application.

Filter RSEI results by:

How to Use RSEI Results

RSEI does not provide a risk assessment, so it is inappropriate to use it to:

  • Conclude that a particular chemical release is causing harm to a specific population or location,
  • Draw conclusions or make decisions about the risk posed by any particular facility, or
  • Draw conclusions about individual risk or generate quantitative risk estimates.

High RSEI Scores (relative to other RSEI Scores) can be used to identify areas that may warrant further investigation. High RSEI Scores do not conclusively demonstrate sources of risk. If a facility receives a high RSEI Score, it does not necessarily mean that the facility is harming people around it, or that the facility is not following applicable laws and regulations. If your community, or a facility in your community, has high RSEI Scores, you could use that information to help you decide if and what kind of further investigation is warranted.

This map allows you to view and select facilities by location. You can further refine your selection (by chemical, year, etc.) using the Filters and Options button, or click Summary or Analysis at the left to investigate your data further. Click Report for a printable summary of RSEI data for your current selection.

On any map, you can select facilities in several ways:

  • Click on one or more of the displayed facility points, then click on the green check mark at the top right to confirm your selection.
  • Click the map to activate, then click on the button that will appear at the top of the map. Draw a shape with your cursor around your selection, then click the green check mark to confirm. All of the facilities inside your shape will be selected.

Any map selections will be added to your existing selections. If you have not made any selections, it may take a few seconds to display all facilities on the map.

Use the other two tabs above for additional ways to find facilities.

Enter your address below and click "Search" to view TRI facilities near you. Use the slider at the bottom to change the distance from your location.

Note: this search is based on your current selection. If none of the facilities in your current selection are near the location you entered, you may need to expand your search distance or change your selection.

Searching on this tab will add any facilities found to your selection set. If you already have any selections on facilities, those selections will be cleared before the new set of facilities is added. Any other selections (e.g., by year, chemical, industry, etc.) will remain selected, and only facilities that also meet those criteria will be shown on the map.

Searching on this tab will add facilities to your selection set. Any other selections (e.g., by year, chemical, industry, etc.) already made will remain selected, and only facilities that meet all the criteria will be shown on the map.

Note: TRI facilities located in Indian country must indicate the relevant tribe on annual TRI reporting forms. For TRI facilities within 10 miles of Indian country, EPA uses the US Census Bureau 2014 tribal boundary layer data and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data. The tribal boundary locations identified are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or boundaries, or the land status of any specific location.

The data on these pages reflect your current selection (shown in the selection bar above.) If no selection is shown, then this represents the most recent 10 years of TRI-reported data (2013-2022) for the entire U.S. Refine your selection using the filters, or click on any part of a graph, such as a bar in the bar chart or on an entry in the facility list. Always click the green check mark to confirm a change in your selection. These pages provide an overview of the data for your selection. Click Analysis at the left to drill down into your data in more detail, or click Report for a printable summary.

Select a value option to change the metric options on this page. The default metric is RSEI Score.

Select an industry from the menu below or click on the chart at right. Any filters showing in the selection bar are applied to the data on this page.

The data on these pages reflect your current selection (shown in the selection bar above.) If no selection is shown, then this represents the most recent 10 years of TRI-reported data (2013-2022) for the entire U.S.

Refine your selection using the filters, or click on any part of a graph, such as a bar in the bar chart or a row in a table. Always click the green check mark to confirm a change in your selection.

These pages allow you to investigate your data along any dimension. Click Summary at left for a general overview, or click Report for a printable summary.

Select a value option to change the metric options on this page. The default metric is RSEI Score.

This table shows the total score by chemical, media, and facility. Use the and to expand or collapse data about each field. You can drag the names of the fields to reorder the row headings. To see other RSEI Values like NonCancer Score or Modeled Hazard in the table, use the RSEI Value Options dropdown on this page or under the button at the top right.

This table shows the total RSEI value by year, with the top 5 chemicals for each year listed. All other chemicals are grouped in the "Others" category.

Show the media breakdown for these chemicals (all years combined)

You can select one year by clicking on one bar in the top chart on this page, or by using the filters .

Show the facility breakdown for these chemicals (all years combined)

You can select one year by clicking on one bar in the top chart on this page, or by using the filters .

This table shows the total RSEI value by year, with the top 5 facilities for each year listed. All other facilities are grouped in the "Others" category.

Show the chemical breakdown for these facilities (all years combined)

You can select one year by clicking on one bar in the top chart on this page, or by using the filters .

Show the media breakdown for these facilities (all years combined)

You can select one year by clicking on one bar in the top chart on this page, or by using the filters .

This chart shows the total RSEI value by chemical for the top 5 chemicals, with the media for each chemical shown.

This chart shows the total RSEI value by facility for the top 5 facilities, with the media for each chemical shown.

Some facilities that report to the TRI report transfers of toxic chemicals in waste that are sent off-site to another facility in a different location for further waste managment. Chemicals reported to the TRI as transferred off site are sent to off-site facilities for the purposes of recycling, energy recovery, treatment, or disposal.

RSEI models certain off-site transfers (transfers to publicly owned treatment works and to off-site incineration facilities) and produces RSEI Scores for those transfers, which are included in the other pages of this dashboard. This page does not show RSEI Scores, but includes all off-site transfers and shows the number of pounds transferred, as well as the RSEI hazard-based results (toxicity-weighted pounds). Toxicity-adjusted quantities give more context and greater significance to the more toxic chemicals by considering a chemical’s toxicological potential to cause harm. However, hazard-based results should be interpreted carefully; in some cases, high RSEI Hazard or RSEI Modeled Hazard values may not be associated with high potential exposure or high potential risk.

The map below shows the off-site transfers for your current selection. You can select origin and/or receiving states using the drop-down menus, or select individual facilities in the tables. By default, individual facilities and transfers will show on the map only if one receiving location is selected. To manually show transfers based on your current selection, select the "Show" button below. You can hide them again by clicking the "Hide" button. You can make additional selections, such as for origin location, chemical, industry, and other fields, by using the Filters and Options button.

Select waste transfers from TRI-reporting origin facilities in:

Select waste transfers going to receiving facilities in:

Use the slider at the bottom to change the number of transfers shown on the map, up to a maximum of 1,000.

Click here for more information about how off-site transfers are reported to TRI and modeled in RSEI. For more information about the map below, visit the help page for EasyRSEI.

NOTE: Hazard values on this page and in the Off-Site Report reflect all off-site transfers reported to TRI. Elsewhere in EasyRSEI and in other RSEI data products, off-site transfers to certain incineration facilities that also report on-site releases to TRI are not included, to avoid double-counting the same potential impact. Since on-site releases are not included on this page or in the Off-Site Report, no double-counting is possible, and all transfers are included.

Each line on the map below represents transfers from an origin facility to a receiving facility. Hover over a line on the map to see details of the transfers. Click on a line to restrict the charts on this page to just those transfers.

Key: Individual Transfer Types
Energy Recovery
Two or More Types

This section of the dashboard includes data from Section 8 of the TRI Form R, where facilities report data elements mandated by section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990.

These charts show waste management activities that are reported in Section 8 of the TRI Form R. Note that some of these waste quantities are reported in other sections of the Form R, and are shown in other pages of this dashboard. For a detailed explanation of Section 8 and its relationship to the rest of the TRI Form R, see the TRI GuideMe page on Section 8.

Select a value option to change the Table Metrics options on this page. The default metric is RSEI Score.

Select at least one dimensions and/or metric option from the left to create a custom table. When selections are complete, use the Download Data button to download the data shown in the table for your current selection.

Summary of Selected Data

Trend for Selected Data

RSEI scores are calculated estimates of relative potential human health risk based on screening-level modeling of toxic chemicals in the environment, like in the air around a facility or in the water downstream from a facility.

RSEI often uses simplified data and worst-case assumptions for modeling. RSEI results should be followed up with additional analyses and investigation before drawing any conclusions or making decisions about potential risks posed to any population group. See How RSEI Should Be Used for more information.

This chart shows the selected RSEI value by year for your selection set. Depending on your selection, the score for any particular facility may not represent its entire value (e.g., if you selected only certain chemicals).

Top Facilities

Some of the top facilities in this set reported releases or transfers of chromium and/or chromium compounds, which can be a major contributor to RSEI Scores. Toxicity can vary widely across the various chemical forms of chromium, and facilities do not report which specific compound or form they release or transfer. The RSEI model makes certain assumptions about the percent of total reported chromium and chromium compounds from each facility that is hexavalent (the most toxic form of the metal), using facility or industry-level data derived from the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and other EPA data sources. To the extent that the RSEI assumptions differ from what is actually released by each facility, the risk-related impacts of chromium to public health may be over- or under-estimated.

This section of the report includes data from Section 8 of the TRI Form R, where facilities report data elements mandated by section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990.

Please select one facility to see facility-level information and modeling data. You can select a facility directly in charts and tables in other parts of the dashboard, or use the filter shown here.

Please select one chemical to see chemical-level information and modeling data. You can select a chemical directly in charts and tables in other parts of the dashboard, or use the filter shown here.

Geographic Air Microdata

The results in EasyRSEI are primarily summarized at the waste-origin level where impacts from chemical waste management activities (e.g., environmental releases, off-site transfers for treatment/disposal) are attributed to the facility of origin and aggregated accordingly. For example, a search in EasyRSEI for the RSEI Score of one state is summarizing the aggregate results for RSEI Scores from all waste-originating facilities located in that state.

It is also possible to identify the geographic areas where risk-related impacts from chemical releases may occur as a result of facility waste management activities. From this standpoint, users can examine the potential impacts of toxic chemical releases from multiple facilities on a particular area, regardless of where the waste originates, and get a more realistic picture of the degree to which the area is potentially affected by TRI chemicals. This information is available through the RSEI Geographic Microdata. For example, a search for the RSEI Score of one state using the Geographic Microdata is summarizing the aggregate results for RSEI Scores from all potential impacts that may occur within the geographic boundaries of that state.

The RSEI Microdata Dashboard presents RSEI Scores and toxicity-weighted concentration results from the RSEI Geographic Microdata at the Census block group level to help users quickly analyze and identify potential areas and contributors of risk-related impacts from toxic chemical air releases in communities across the U.S. EasyRSEI also provides a limited set of the same Microdata Dashboard filters that you can use to select TRI chemical releases and then see the impacts of those releases by affected block group.

Questions you can answer with the RSEI Microdata Dashboard

  • What block groups have the highest potential impacts with a specific chemical or chemicals?
  • Where chemicals and facilities may be impacting a certain location?
  • Which chemicals for a specific facility or industry sector contributed to the highest potential impacts?

Things to remember when using the RSEI Microdata Dashboard

  • Facility-level results are usually expressed using RSEI Score and can be added together. Toxicity-weighted concentration results cannot be added together across geographic units.
  • RSEI Score accounts for human exposure factors and the number of people potentially exposed in a given area. Toxicity-weighted concentration amounts account for fate and transport of a chemical release through the environment and chemical toxicity, but does not factor in the exposed population or other human exposure factors.
  • The RSEI model often uses worst-case assumptions about chemical toxicity and human exposure where data are lacking. RSEI simplifies assumptions to reduce the complexity of the calculations involved. A more refined and detailed assessment should be conducted before any conclusions about actual on-the-ground exposures harms to human health can be determined. Get more information about RSEI.
  • The RSEI Microdata Dashboard currently only contains data on on-site air releases from TRI-reporting facilities for the latest RSEI model year.